Friday, September 24, 2010

20100925 - Olarte Enciso, ...Heuristic Evaluation of PDA Application...

Development and usability heuristic evaluation of an application in PDA for supporting physicians tasks at the point of care

by Olarte Enciso, Nadia Elizabeth, M.E., University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico), 2008 , 121 pages; AAT 1451346

My Interest:

1) Usability.

2) Heuristic evaluation using Nielsen's 10 Heuristics.

3) Test/validate/evaluate the application.


To read the Dissertation in the future.

Research Goal

The main goal of this project was to develop a PDA based application to support physicians' documentation tasks at the point of care in hospitals.


Nowadays, software for portable devices, such as the PDA, is commonly used among physicians in hospitals. This is indicative that physicians are probably accustomed to this type of technology and that it will not be an obstacle for them to use a PDA based clinical documentation application to perform their tasks related to patient care.

Development of Tool/Application

The application developed supports most of the physician's documentation tasks such as viewing the patient's record, performing medical orders, and entering progress notes. This makes the application a very useful and an important tool for the physicians in the hospitals in Puerto Rico.

Comments: She tested/validated the application by performing a heuristic evaluation using Nielsen's Ten Heuristic Principles.

Chapter 4: Usability Aspects

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Usability Aspect in the Lifecycle of the Application

4.3. Usability Aspect in the Interface of the Application

4.3.1. Visibility of System Status

4.3.2. Match between System and the Real World

4.3.3. User Control and Freedom

4.3.4. Consistency and Standards

4.3.5. Error Prevention

4.3.6. Recognition Rather than Recall

4.3.7. Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

4.3.8. Aesthetic and minimalist design

4.3.9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from error

Chapter 5: Usability Evaluation

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Procedure of the Heuristic Evaluation

5.3. Result of the Heuristic Evaluation

5.4. Redesign of the Application

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