Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28 - PhD thesis of Capra; ym with Tan Wee Hoe

Chatted with Tan Wee Hoe on ym this evening. He is pursuing PhD in Warwick University. His one and only Research Question is “How subject matter experts and game experts could collaborate to design and develop games for use in formal education contexts?” He estimates remaining tenure would be 1 month 7 months.

Miranda G. Capra did her PhD dissertation on “Usability Problem Description and the Evaluator Effect in Usability Testing.” Her Advisory Committee Chair is also Dr Tonya Smith-Jackson, just as Ryu and Hu.

She had 3 goals and 3 research questions; RQ1 with hypothesis 1a-1d, RQ2 with 2a-2b, RQ3 with 3a-3b.

Capra summarized the 3 Problems, 3 Goals and the respective Approach into a table. She also tabulated the Chapter/Phase, Study and Output. All these show clearly the structure of her dissertation and study/research. She had numerous tables, charts, formulae and screenshots and love to use bullets.

She analysed result of survey using Mean, Standard Deviation and Median.

She used factor analysis Jaccard-styled to reduce the many to 10 UPD guidelines. Participants completed a questionnaire to rate each of the 10 guidelines from the card sort for difficulty and importance. Difficulty was rated on a scale of difficult/easy. Importance was rated on three scales: required/optional, relevant/irrelevant and helpful/harmful. She studied the correlations using ANOVA.

MANOVA was also used for study of evaluator effect in usability testing. Flowchart was used to show the Usability Report Coding Process.

Tables were used to summarise the results to each Hypothesis for all the Research Questions.

One last comment: lots of statistics.

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